MagicBox™ Authoring Tools for Non-Profits, Associations and Societies
May 4th, 2020
Did you know that there are more than 100 million digital publishing product users in the United States alone? This number is expected to rise significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has made people realize how important the digital platform is for all kinds of publishing. Growth in the use of digital publishing platforms has also been significant in the case of organizations like non-profits, associations, and societies.
But that does not mean that creation and distribution of high-quality content is an easy task. Creating content takes a lot of time and resources. It could require a large team which could have significant costs involved. To make the end-user read more than just the first few sentences, the content needs to be engaging. That is not something that can be achieved with just pages of plain simple text.
But, even then, the job isn’t done yet. Content needs to be fresh, updated, and revised from time to time. This all points to the need of an efficient system of developing and distributing digitally. This is where the addition of robust authoring tools to the MagicBox™ publishing and distribution platform can come in handy.
How Authoring Tools Ease Content Creation and Publishing
The use of authoring tools has grown significantly in recent years. Some of the reasons for their popularity are:
1. Shorter Development Times
One of the biggest advantages of using authoring tools that are encompassed in the distribution platforms is that it drastically reduces the development time. These tools have in-built features, such as templates, interactions, and themes. With these features, you no longer have to waste time outsourcing tasks like gathering media or creating layouts.
2. Easy Updating
Revising and updating content is an important part of the information distributed by non-profits, associations, and societies. This is because user needs and compliance requirements are forever evolving. So, why invest time and resources each time just a small segment needs to be updated? With authoring tools, the changes can be made directly in the templates, with just a few clicks.
3. Engaging Content
We may look at goldfish and think that they are pretty but not known for their attention span! But the attention span of the modern consumer has become shorter than that of goldfish! To engage the uses today, you need content that is extremely interesting and immersive. Authoring software provides you all the tools needed to achieve just that by incorporating audio, videos, infographics, and other interactive elements in your content. Summarizing a topic and providing bits of information can reduce overwhelming the audience with information and encourages them to keep learning and engaging with the content you create.
4. Maximizes ROI
Content creation, publishing, protection and selling can be supported end-to-end and all in one place. Plus, the most time-consuming tasks, such as downloading templates or fetching third party images, are taken care of by the authoring tool. All the resources you need are present in a single multi-functional platform. This allows you to manage your resources, cross-sell and offer more purchase models and packages.
Exciting and Secure
Advanced authoring tools, such as those available on MagicBox™, not only allow you to ensure engaging content but also its security. The authored content you create would be protected with the help of highly secure DRM solutions. These solutions give you the ability to control who can access your content and on which devices. . You can also restrict the distribution and duplication of your content. There also are options for you to restrict the number of devices that can access the content from a single account.
Apart from making the content secure, MagicBox™ also ensures that your content can be accessed across all mobile devices too, such as Android, iOS, Mac, Chromebook and Windows.So, are you ready to make creating and distributing content easy and fast? Contact us to learn more.