MagicBox™ for Enterprises

Ease publishing, distribution, engagement and monetization of your content

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MagicBox for enterprises
Macmillan- MagicBox client
Pearson- MagicBox client
Human Kinetics- MagicBox client
Britannica- MagicBox client
McGraw Hill- MagicBox client

Bespoke Platform

MagicBox™ can be completely customized to offer your customers a complete new experience.

  • Choose the features you wish to enable on the platform for each user
  • Get support to build custom features for specific use cases
  • Benefit from the flexible architecture to brand every element to your needs

Transform the way your content is created, published and distributed with MagicBox™

Customized platform/features for enterprises
Global enterprise publishing

Take Your Business Global

Maximize content monetization by expanding your reach across the world. We offer you the freedom to host your application anywhere.

  • End-to-end, cloud-based platform for easy worldwide access
  • Host the platform anywhere, to remain close to the end user
  • Option to host data at physical data centers

Innovate with immersive content for optimal engagement with MagicBox™

Custom Analytics to Power up Reporting

Fine tune business strategies with the power of custom data analytics and reporting.

  • Customize the analytics dashboard to your business needs
  • Get custom reports on content consumption patterns, engagement levels and more.
  • Make data-driven business decisions to grow your business

Get actionable insights for your publishing business with MagicBox™

Customer analytics for enterprise publishing
Branding of enterprise content

Complete Branding

Give your customers the true feel of your brand and stand apart from the competition.

  • Brand your content to reflect your business identity
  • Choose eReader skins, eCommerce store customizations and more
  • Protect your proprietary materials with robust DRM and licensing

Deep linking and Integration

MagicBox can become one with your existing platforms or offerings to enable a seamless learning experience.

Integration with other platforms
Anytimme, anywhere access with own enterprise app

Offer Your Own App

Give customers anytime, anywhere access with your own company app, accessible across multiple devices.

  • Offer a single app for complete access to all your offerings
  • Seamlessly distribute and manage content from a single point
  • Completely customize the look and feel of the app for unique branding

Get Started with MagicBox™

Gain from our experience of over 2 decades in bringing technology solutions to content creation, distribution and monetization. Grow your publishing business with MagicBox™.

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