LMS for Schools

A Learning Management System or LMS can offer a variety of benefits for K-12 education. Not only does it allow for multi-media content that is much more interactive and engaging than traditional textbooks, it also helps with analytics. With an LMS, education can offer students a dynamic and personalized learning ecosystem, where the student can consume content at their own pace and in their preferred style.

Learning Management Systems in education are also evolving, with advancements in technology. Today, we talk about learning experience, rather than just management. In K-12 education, an LMS can even cater to the needs of differently abled students and those with learning disabilities. Discover more about LMS in education here.

How to Track e-Learning in an LMS
LMS for Schools

How to Track e-Learning in an LMS

MagicBox Team | March 30th, 2018

As education technology is gradually evolving, there are a lot of e-Learning courses being offered through learning management...

How LMSs Must Transform to Enable Experiential Learning
LMS for Schools

How LMSs Must Transform to Enable Experiential Learning

MagicBox Team | March 5th, 2018

Experiential learning is a form of acquiring knowledge and skills through real-life experiences. This mode of learning holds...

Must-have Features for an Ideal Learning Management System
LMS for Schools

Must-have Features for an Ideal Learning Management System

MagicBox Team | November 15th, 2017

An effective LMS rests at the centre of EdTech industry today. It helps educators and publishers deliver the...

Flipped Classrooms: Transforming Education and Learning
LMS for Schools

Flipped Classrooms: Transforming Education and Learning

MagicBox Team | June 2nd, 2017

Ever been in a situation where you’re cluelessly sitting in a classroom because you didn’t understand the very...

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