Student Centered Learning

Student centered teaching focuses on addressing the unique learning needs, learning styles, aspirations, interests and even cultural backgrounds of individual students to make education more meaningful, relevant and engaging. Student centered education is much more than the personalization of learning experiences.

Student centered classrooms allow learners to take charge of their learning, complete tasks independently and ask questions. It results in greater engagement and participation in learning activities, along with improved interaction and collaboration between students. Read here to know more about advances in student centered teaching.

Keep the Back-to-School Energy Up All Year with Online eLearning Platforms
Back to School

Keep the Back-to-School Energy Up All Year with Online eLearning Platforms

MagicBox Team | May 30th, 2024

How much effort does your educational institution put in each year to create a buzz around back-to-school? It’s...

Back-to-School Success: 4 Ways Parents Can Empower Their Child’s Education
Back to School

Back-to-School Success: 4 Ways Parents Can Empower Their Child’s Education

MagicBox Team | July 24th, 2023

The back-to-school season brings a fresh start, new opportunities, and a full year of novel learning avenues for...

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