eBook Publishing

eBook publishing platforms have come a long way, finding huge acceptance among both readers and publishers. Today, such digital platforms not only allow for expanded reach, they also ensure accessibility of content. eBook publishing platforms are a boon for both consumers of content and publishers. eBook distribution has been eased, while safeguarding intellectual property rights through such platforms.

Using eBook publishing platforms, one can achieve rapid dissemination of content, as well as better pricing. These platforms also offer post-purchase engagement with readers, visibility on the acceptance of the content, and opportunities to retarget readers. For the reader, an eBook distribution platform means ease of access to a wide range of content, at low cost and greater convenience. Discover what’s new in the eBook publishing arena.

Are eBooks the Key to Captivating Digital Natives through Interactive Learning?
eBook Publishing

Are eBooks the Key to Captivating Digital Natives through Interactive Learning?

Dipesh Jain- Author Dipesh Jain | July 4th, 2024

With digital their DNA, 81.7% of today’s learners believe that variety in content formats helps them learn. With...

eBook Readers & Interactive Content: A Match Made in Publishing Heaven
Digital Publishing

eBook Readers & Interactive Content: A Match Made in Publishing Heaven

Dipesh Jain- Author Husena Jadliwala | June 28th, 2024

Given the broader digitalization of society, global organizations emphasize transforming education through digital pedagogy. UNICEF identifies “interactive and...

Why Educational Publishers Must Align Learning Resources to Academic Standards
Digital Publishing

Why Educational Publishers Must Align Learning Resources to Academic Standards

Dipesh Jain- Author Michael Spontak | June 10th, 2024

Academic standards establish guidelines for skill and knowledge proficiency that students at each level must demonstrate. Complying with...

Swipe into the Future: eBooks & Digital Publishing in 2024
eBook Publishing

Swipe into the Future: eBooks & Digital Publishing in 2024

Dipesh Jain- Author Dipesh Jain | January 3rd, 2024

The days of turning pages, straining the eyes with small letters, and making space on the bookshelf every...

The Benefits of eReaders and ReadSpeakers for Inclusive Education
eBook Publishing

The Benefits of eReaders and ReadSpeakers for Inclusive Education

Dipesh Jain- Author | October 17th, 2023

According to the Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action, opportunities created by innovations in education technology and overcoming...

Maximize Content Adoption with Accessible eBooks
eBook Publishing

Maximize Content Adoption with Accessible eBooks

Dipesh Jain- Author | January 13th, 2023

The revenue generated from eBooks alone is estimated to reach $14.38 billion in 2023 and accelerate further to...

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