Student Centered Learning

Student centered teaching focuses on addressing the unique learning needs, learning styles, aspirations, interests and even cultural backgrounds of individual students to make education more meaningful, relevant and engaging. Student centered education is much more than the personalization of learning experiences.

Student centered classrooms allow learners to take charge of their learning, complete tasks independently and ask questions. It results in greater engagement and participation in learning activities, along with improved interaction and collaboration between students. Read here to know more about advances in student centered teaching.

Digital Equity: Ensuring Equitable Access to Course Material
Student Centered Learning

Digital Equity: Ensuring Equitable Access to Course Material

MagicBox Team | June 30th, 2020

The scourge of COVID-19 led to the shutting down of schools all across the world. The closures affected...

How EdTech Can Help Improve Declining Student Attention Spans
Student Centered Learning

How EdTech Can Help Improve Declining Student Attention Spans

MagicBox Team | June 1st, 2020

Back in 2012, a Common Sense Media report detailed the ill-effects of entertainment media on children’s academic skills....

3 Digital Tools to Teach About Climate Change in the Classroom
Student Centered Learning

3 Digital Tools to Teach About Climate Change in the Classroom

MagicBox Team | April 27th, 2020

In the past, wars and pandemics had generally been the deciding factors for kingdoms and civilizations. But for...

How an eLearning Platform can Enhance Your Professional Development Program
Student Centered Learning

How an eLearning Platform can Enhance Your Professional Development Program

MagicBox Team | April 16th, 2020

The traditional learning experience comprises reading and remembering page after page of text. There are text-filled books even...

5 Ways in Which Digital Learning Can Prepare the Workforce of the Future
Student Centered Learning

5 Ways in Which Digital Learning Can Prepare the Workforce of the Future

MagicBox Team | March 2nd, 2020

One thing that leaders in the field of education and educational publishing agree upon is that technology is...

Making Academic Assessments Relevant and Impactful with a Digital Learning Platform
Student Centered Learning

Making Academic Assessments Relevant and Impactful with a Digital Learning Platform

MagicBox Team | December 24th, 2019

The use of assessments for determining admission into educational institutions and successful graduation did not begin in the...

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