K-12 Education

K-12 education has the unenviable responsibility of molding young minds with a plethora of new concepts. This is why there is a huge need for effective K-12 learning solutions. Technology has brought in a new era of K-12 online learning and digital publishing, providing efficient education solutions for the current generation of students.

With advancements in technology, such as gamification, artificial intelligence, mobile learning platforms and much more, K-12 education is all set to become future-proof. Learning content can now be much more interactive and engaging, as well as personalized to the needs of each student. Are you prepared to adopt the technology solutions for K-12 publishing? Discover more on this here.

3 Reasons Why You Should Use Video for K-12 Education
K-12 Education

3 Reasons Why You Should Use Video for K-12 Education

MagicBox Team | May 29th, 2020

Did you know the first famous private teacher is believed to have been Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher?...

Protecting Student Data in the Digital World
K-12 Education

Protecting Student Data in the Digital World

MagicBox Team | May 7th, 2020

There has always been great debate regarding the privacy of data and personal information in the online sphere....

5 Technologies that are Easing PreK-12 Education
K-12 Education

5 Technologies that are Easing PreK-12 Education

MagicBox Team | April 30th, 2020

Finding the best possible way of teaching children has something that educators, philosophers and parents have been attempting...

4 Big Trends to Reshape K-12 Education Publishing
K-12 Education

4 Big Trends to Reshape K-12 Education Publishing

MagicBox Team | March 16th, 2020

Did you know that the first fully developed writing system is believed to have developed in Egypt as...

Transforming K-12 Learning with the Use of Technology
K-12 Education

Transforming K-12 Learning with the Use of Technology

MagicBox Team | February 27th, 2020

Each generation brings in its own share of challenges for educators. For a long time, children did not...

What is Blended Learning and How Can it Help Enhance K-12 Education
K-12 Education

What is Blended Learning and How Can it Help Enhance K-12 Education

MagicBox Team | January 28th, 2020

Technology has revolutionized all aspects of our lives, including education. The inclusion of technology in the classroom has...

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