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Assessments in Education

In recent years, K-12 education is moving away from classroom assessment that only tests knowledge of the school curriculum. Digital assessments in education can ease the entire process of evaluating skill acquisition and how the acquired knowledge can help students in real-life situations by ensuring a regular and streamlined student assessment process.

Another area where student assessment is useful is to track student progress, providing feedback both to students and their parents, so that any support required can be provided as early as possible. Today’s digital learning platforms are helping narrow the gap between learning and evaluation, enabling continuous learning and progress for students. Discover how assessments in education can be eased and taken to the next level.

Integrated Assessments to Measure Learning Outcomes
Assessments in Education

Integrated Assessments to Measure Learning Outcomes

MagicBox Team | January 18th, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought in a new focus in the education industry. With educational inequity taking center...

Transforming ‘Assessment of Learning’ into ‘Assessment as Learning’
Assessments in Education

Transforming ‘Assessment of Learning’ into ‘Assessment as Learning’

MagicBox Team | December 9th, 2021

Assessments are a crucial part of the education process. In schools, summative assessments have traditionally been used to...

How Education Technology Addresses the Challenges of K-12 Assessment
Assessments in Education

How Education Technology Addresses the Challenges of K-12 Assessment

MagicBox Team | September 6th, 2021

The measurement of student learning is an important aspect of education. It offers useful feedback to both educators...

3 Common K-12 Assessment Mistakes
Assessments in Education

3 Common K-12 Assessment Mistakes

MagicBox Team | June 13th, 2021

K-12 Assessments are an integral part of the education and understanding of a student’s journey in the learning...

4 Questions to Get Answered Before Choosing a Digital Assessment Tool
Assessments in Education

4 Questions to Get Answered Before Choosing a Digital Assessment Tool

MagicBox Team | May 12th, 2021

By enabling personalized learning, digital learning platforms have helped improve students’ academic outcomes. They have enabled competency-based education...

Is Formative Assessment Better than Summative Assessment for K-12 Education?
Assessments in Education

Is Formative Assessment Better than Summative Assessment for K-12 Education?

MagicBox Team | January 20th, 2021

Assessments are an indispensable part of the learning and teaching cycle. It not only measures learning outcomes, but...

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