How Generative AI is Changing Assessment Design?
Assessments in Education

How Generative AI is Changing Assessment Design?

MagicBox Team | July 23rd, 2024

“From helping teachers focus on teaching to allowing students to work on far more ambitious projects, AI has...

Empowering Teachers: How AI Learning Assistants Can Transform K-12 Education
AI in Education

Empowering Teachers: How AI Learning Assistants Can Transform K-12 Education

MagicBox Team | July 19th, 2024

Educational institutions and teachers are rapidly adopting artificial intelligence (AI) across the globe for the immense opportunities it...

A Learning Feast: How a Content Distribution Platform Caters to Every Learner’s Needs
Content Distribution Platform

A Learning Feast: How a Content Distribution Platform Caters to Every Learner’s Needs

MagicBox Team | July 16th, 2024

The global eLearning landscape is rapidly expanding, transcending the boundaries of language, time, and space. The challenge remains...

How Can K-12 Schools Navigate the Challenge of Balancing Interoperability and Data Privacy?
Digital Rights Management

How Can K-12 Schools Navigate the Challenge of Balancing Interoperability and Data Privacy?

MagicBox Team | July 9th, 2024

In the age of flying cars, what can you expect of digital education? Cutting-edge technologies promise streamlined progression...

Are eBooks the Key to Captivating Digital Natives through Interactive Learning?
eBook Publishing

Are eBooks the Key to Captivating Digital Natives through Interactive Learning?

MagicBox Team | July 4th, 2024

With digital their DNA, 81.7% of today’s learners believe that variety in content formats helps them learn. With...

How Professional Development of Teachers Maximizes the Value of Blended Learning in K12
K-12 Education

How Professional Development of Teachers Maximizes the Value of Blended Learning in K12

MagicBox Team | July 2nd, 2024

Picture this – a  student tries a simulated version of the chemistry experiment their teacher had forbidden the...

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