AI in Education

With technology radically altering the way we access and consume information, there’s an urgent need for educators and publishers to consider collaborative, interactive and personalized methods of sharing knowledge and imparting education. Here’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning offer massive potential.

Robotics and artificial intelligence can automate grading, create individualized learning experiences, identify curriculum gaps and provide valuable insights. These goals can be achieved only if AI is used effectively, with intelligent integration of content and processes. Discover how artificial intelligence development is changing the education space, how to harness its full potential and other such interesting topics.

Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Digital Publishing
AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Digital Publishing

MagicBox Team | July 1st, 2019

An AI-driven literature exploration tool helped computer scientist Christian Berger’s [...]

Would Robots Run the Classroom in the Future?
AI in Education

Would Robots Run the Classroom in the Future?

MagicBox Team | March 14th, 2018

Technology is improving at an unimaginable pace. Human’s dependency on technology has led to the advent of AI...

Artificial Intelligence Leaps into K-12 Education
AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence Leaps into K-12 Education

MagicBox Team | January 18th, 2018

Recently Artificial Intelligence has regained its former glory that it used to possess until a few decades ago....

Integrating Machine Learning in Education Technology
AI in Education

Integrating Machine Learning in Education Technology

MagicBox Team | August 3rd, 2017

Whether it’s businesses, IT companies, financial services, or even education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being integrated into various...

How are Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Changing Our Daily Lives?
AI in Education

How are Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Changing Our Daily Lives?

MagicBox Team | March 30th, 2017

Over the last decade or so, the term deep learning has been systematically used whenever the conversation strays...

Is artificial intelligence replacing traditional methods of teaching?
AI in Education

Is artificial intelligence replacing traditional methods of teaching?

MagicBox Team | February 2nd, 2017

Artificial intelligence is slowly making its way into various fields, including medicine, automobile industry, and more importantly, education....

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