16 Jun 2020

MagicBox™ Wins Gold at IMS Global Learning Impact Awards 2020

MagicBox™ has won the Gold Honor at the IMS Global Learning Impact Awards 2020. IMS Global is a world-leading organization that strives to enable the adoption and impact of innovative learning technology…

08 Dec 2015

MagicBox Crosses Two Significant Milestones — 10 Million Page Views and Half Million Users in 2015!

Magic Software Inc. today announced that MagicBox, their content distribution and learning platform now has over 500,000 registered users worldwide. In the last six months alone, MagicBox had over 11.3 million page views of digital content hosted on the platform…

18 Oct 2016

MagicBox, the Mobile-first Content Delivery Platform, Crosses One Million Users Globally

Over one million students in North America and 14 other countries have logged in to access mobile and web digital learning content on MagicBox, indicating that digital learning…

13 Jun 2018

Content Distribution Platform MagicBox Is Now Helping 2 Million Students

MagicBox, a cloud-hosted mobile learning platform, is now serving more than 2 million users globally! MagicBox has 12K+ interactive eBooks with more than 10 million hours…