Latest Insights:

1. Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) for Better Learning Experiences:

The use of multiple Edtech platforms results in a complicated system for teachers and students. Schools and districts need to see the impact of different tools on student learning outcomes and hence the focus on data interoperability standards has come into the spotlight while choosing an Edtech platform.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) for Better Learning Experiences

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is one such standard that allows you to securely connect multiple learning apps, tools, and platforms enabling a seamless learning experience.

2. Ensuring Data Privacy in Remote Learning:

More than 80 nations worldwide are working on making student data privacy laws more stringent in the wake of the pandemic-led transition to remote learning. Therefore, establishing effective strategies for providing a secure learning environment is the way forward for schools and school districts.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) for Better Learning Experiences

Our Innovation

At MagicBox, we thrive to create solutions that not just ease education delivery but transform the learning experiences of students as well as teachers. In an endeavor to do the same, we recently launched Magic Reader, a multi-format eReader that gives today’s learners the freedom to learn in their style, their own pace, and their own choice of content format.

Books we think make an impact

Atomic Habits - An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (By James Clear)

James gives reference to a personal incident that forced him to take certain actions in order to bring his life back to track. We all deal with certain setbacks at some point in life but it is the quality of habits that decides the outcome in the end.

1% effort towards self-improvement, when accumulated over a period of time, becomes a habit. This compounding effect can work in both ways and the book very well explains how it can be used to break bad habits.

The book has many references to situations where the importance of choosing a goal and attaching it to habits is very well explained.

If you are keen to understand why habits are formed and looking for an instructional manual for nurturing good habits and avoiding bad ones, this is the book for you.

Have a great rest of March.

Team MagicBox